September: The Best Month To Boat. | Boating Lake County

Many people see Labor Day as the end of the summer: August vacations are in the rear view mirror, kids are going back to school, and Halloween decorations are coming out of their basement storage. But when it comes to boating in Lake County, September is the perfect time to get out on the water. Why?
- The weather is still warm but not broiling hot like July. And it’s likely to be drier.
- Peace and quiet. Many people who aren’t in the know put their boats away, so you’ll have more of the lake to yourself.
- Shorter lines at public boat launches.
- Off-season rates. For overnighters—and Lake County is the perfect place to overnight, hotels and motels are likely to have great rates on rooms.
So, summer may officially be over, but for seasoned boaters, fun on the water is still in bloom.
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- Amy Cabanas