Cleaning Tips from Wise Manufacturer for the Care of Your Pontoon Boat Vinyl Seats
Pontoon-Depot.com carries a wide selection of seating to give you all the options you want to create the seating environment perfect for your life. Pontoon-Depot.com works with the Wise Company which is the largest manufacturer of pleasure boat seating and interiors in the country with manufacturing facilities in Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Mexico, as well as our corporate office in Memphis, TN. As the world's leading supplier of all types of seating, Wise has earned a reputation for high-quality products and service. Wise offers the following tips regarding the care and upkeep of your vinyl seats.
The upholstery on your seat is made to withstand the effects of sun heat rain and soiling under normal conditions. While your vinyl is made to withstand the elements it is important to care for it by keeping it clean at all times. Many substances may stain if left over a period of time. Remember to remove any contaminant and clean vinyl immediately.
Keep your seats in like new condition with quality mooring and/or seat covers. They’ll keep your furniture dry, protect against UV sunlight degradation, leaf stains, pollen stains, and dramatically reduce your cleaning time. Remember that winter storage in snow and ice areas requires additional protection. Also note plastic tarps don't provide ventilation and may promote mold and mildew or pink staining of your seats. This potential damage is not covered under your warranty. An important thing to remember is that house detergents, abrasives with bleach and solvents can cause permanent damage to vinyl upholstery.
DO NOT USE the following list of cleaners on your vinyl: Formula 409, Murphy's Oil Soap, Simple Green, DC Plus, Armor All, Fantastik, Orange 88 Degreaser, Roll Off, Bleach/Baking Soda, Turtle Wax/Tar Remover, Top Kote Sealant, Son-of-a-Gun, APCO, Harbor Mate. Do not use kerosene gasoline or acetone they will remove the protective marine marine topcoat do not use any silicone-based protectants. They will extract the plasticizer leaving vinyl hard and brittle, and eventually cracking will occur. Certain household cleaners powdered abrasives steel wool and industrial cleaners can cause damage and discoloration and not recommended. Dry cleaning fluids and lacquer solvents should not be used as they will remove printed patterns and gloss. Waxes should be used with caution as they may contain dyes or solvents that can permanently damaged protective coating.
We recommend that you use 303 Fabric/Vinyl Cleaner or a mild dish soap such as Dawn or Ivory to clean your seats. Rinse with clean warm water to remove any residue when your are finished.
All information provided by Wise Manufacturer - http://www.wiseseats.com/#!marine/c53v

3 Quick Tips for Choosing to Refurbish a Pontoon Boat
When considering whether or not to buy a new pontoon boat, a used pontoon boat, or maybe you want to refurbish your own pontoon boat, here are some things to consider while you are weighing your options. It’s important to keep in mind that for $1500 to $2500 the deck, furniture and carpeting can all be replaced with high-quality pontoon seating, marine plywood, and new marine vinyl flooring. So maybe something that looks fairly rough is actually a diamond in the rough.
At Pontoon-Depot.com we sell high quality pontoon boat furniture and pontoon boat accessories and we even offer discount kits which group furniture kits with MariDeck - an exterior grade vinyl pontoon flooring, so designing your new boat layout has never been easier.
With all that said, here are our top 3 tips when deciding whether to either refurbish an older pontoon boat or throw in the towel and start over.
- Check the pontoon tubes. While fiberglass pontoons may look cool, they are problematic and expensive to repair. Aluminum pontoon tubes we feel are the best. Check each tube for any possible punctures not only on the exterior but also under the pontoons deck as well. Check the overall strength, the tubes can get a lot of bumps and abuse with docking and trailering. Check accordingly.
- Check the pontoon boat’s railing and trim pieces. Custom aluminum pieces, railing and side trim are nearly impossible to match so plan on replacing them if they look bad or look for another pontoon boat if any of those things cannot be repaired easily.
- Check the motor. Have the motor checked with a qualified professional for a proper assessment of its condition. Something to keep in mind older motors can be costly to maintain and locating parts may prove to be difficult.
For more information on buying used Pontoon boats visit Pontoon and Deck Boat Magazine - http://www.pdbmagazine.com/

What are the Differences Between Using Composites, Aluminum, or Wood for Your Boat Deck
Composites: In recent years some manufactures have made more composite flooring options available. There's been an effort to meet customer demand for a decay proof deck material without all the structural drawbacks normally associated with aluminum decking. Composites are made largely made of recycled plastic products formed into panels similar in size and thickness of wood. Composites are far superior to aluminum in insulating qualities. Rigidity is generally superior to aluminum but still inferior to wood. Earlier versions did over time suffer from sagging. However the later composites panel decking has fiberglass reinforcement that has corrected these concerns. However this piece of mind does come with a price however, for composites often is a more expensive option if available.
Aluminum: Is available as a deck material from various pontoon boat manufactures. Aluminum is generally offered as an option to ease customer fears of woods potential to decay. And aluminum does offer peace of mind for the customer and has become a major marketing tool for those manufactures that offer it. However when considering some of the desirable characteristics described earlier, aluminum does indeed have some shortcomings to consider as a deck material. Aluminum has poor panel span strength and rigidity. To compensate this most manufactures lay aluminum in sections of pieces six to eight inches wide. While in comparison other materials are generally four foot wide sections. To cut costs many manufactures also use self tapping screws to fasten it in place. All the additional seams also result in an increase of stress and wear on the carpet over time. Aluminum also has poor insulating qualities of both sound and heat. But there are many people who feel that the prospects of no decay over ride all the negative aspects of this material.
Wood is the most traditional of all the decking materials. In almost all the above desirable characteristics it has the most desirable qualities. Wood also has the greatest rigidity and panel strength of all the available materials. Its insulating qualities are as good as the composites. It's also one of the least stressful and maybe best substrates when used with carpet. However wood can, have and does exhibit decay. Like any organic material if it's left untreated it will have poor survivability in a wet marine environment. Therefore you should be certain that a good grade of marine plywood was used in the construction of your boat. If marine grade CCA treated 3/4 in. plywood was used in construction and some general care was taken of the boat, you can rest assured that you'll get many years of relatively carefree service from your pontoon boat purchase before any issues or observation of any decay.
Read more about Pontoon boat decks at: from http://www.pontoonhouseboatodyssey.com/Pontoon_Boats_101.html
- Scott Reynolds
- Tags: pontoon boat deck pontoon boat Refurbishing