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Gone Fishin’: Pontoon Fishing Accessories for Reel Fun

Gone Fishin’: Pontoon Fishing Accessories for Reel Fun

By: Better Boat

You’re drifting slowly in your pontoon at dawn on crystal clear water, so calm it looks like glass. You have a fishing rod in one hand, a coffee in the other, and you’re taking it all in as the sun begins to rise over the horizon. Sounds like heaven.

We’re talking a relaxing and pleasant fishing experience on your pontoon boat.

Pontoon Fishing for Reel Fun

Trolling Motors

For those of you who are new to fishing, a trolling motor is a removable motor that allows you to troll the pontoon slower than your regular motor while having your hands free to fish. It’s controlled by a remote control or foot peddle.

When I say removable, I mean you can take it off and put it back on with ease every time you use it. I love this feature because it allows you to have the extra space when you aren’t fishing and are just cruising with the family. A trolling motor is also battery powered and can be recharged by plugging it into an electrical outlet.

Most fishing enthusiasts will tell you there are other benefits to trolling. Trolling motors allow you to get into areas where your bigger motor can’t go. You can raise your bigger motor out of the water when using the trolling motor in shallower water.

Depending on the type of fish you’re looking to catch, trolling your lure in the water can be a great way to simulate the natural movement of live bait, increasing your potential for reeling in a big one.

I personally have experience using a Minn Kota and I can say it scores big points for durability and longevity in my books. We’ve had ours for years and it remains a great addition to our pontoon fishing experience.

I always suggest that you do your research and decide what’s the best option for your individual fishing needs and price point.

Built-in livewells are excellent features because they can be filled directly from the lake or ocean (and some livewells can also be installed with this feature).

The purpose of a livewell/baitwell is to keep the oxygen flowing in the water, so the fish or bait stay alive while you fish. This is particularly useful for catch-and-release fishing tournaments where your score depends on the total weight or size of fish count that are eventually thrown back into the water.

I love livewells because they promote responsible fishing in areas that have conservation laws and rules about how many fish you can keep. You can keep fish as you catch them and then release the ones you don’t want, as you upgrade on your catch.

Fishing rod holders are great for pontooners who love to fish with more than one rod in the water. This, of course, would increase your chances for catching your dinner but I would definitely check the rules in the area where you’re fishing as many lakes, rivers and bays have stipulations on how many rods you’re allowed to have in the water at once, depending on what you’re fishing for and what’s in season.

There are many different kinds of rod holders and brands. Depending on the type of fishing you want to do, I recommend making sure your holder matches the strength of your rod and will stay firmly in place when ‘the big one’ takes the bait.

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Deck Boats vs. Pontoons: How They Compare for 2020

Deck Boats vs. Pontoons: How They Compare for 2020

By: Nautical Ventures

Deck Boat

A deck boat is similar to a luxury speedboat. They are sleek, aerodynamic, and have a V-shaped hull making it look as though it is rising out of the water. Deck boats can hold more people than a traditional speedboat, making them great for a day out on the water with a group of 8-12. 

The unique shape of a deck boat’s hull allows it to gracefully cut through the water at high speeds. Their high speed and unique shape make them prone to bumps and rocking; however, many deck boats feature a wider hull which gives a more stable, smooth ride. 

Glastron boats are the cream of the crop when it comes to deck boats. Contact Nautical Ventures for expert Glastron advice.


A pontoon boat has a completely flat deck and resembles a floating living room. Pontoons can fit up to 20 people and are intended to be driven on calm waters. These boats are the go-to pick for entertaining passengers or more relaxed activities such as fishing. A pontoon is a perfect boat for a lazy day out on the water, and because they are geared towards calm waters, they are the ideal boat if you frequent lakes most often.

Choosing a Boat 

Both pontoons and deck boats are great options for beginning and advanced boaters alike. Choosing a style of boat will depend largely on your budget, the number of people you want to fit, and what the primary uses for your boat will be.


If you want to host large groups on the water, prefer low speeds, and need a lower price point, a pontoon is your best option. Their flat design keeps them steady whether the water is moving or still, appealing to those prone to sea-sickness. The last major pontoon selling point is the ease of which you can clean the boat. Pontoons have aluminum hulls that are simple to wipe down and make for easy maintenance. 

A deck boat is the way to go if you want to do more thrilling water sports like water skiing or tubing. If you have a higher budget and love a sleek, sexy ride, the deck boat is your perfect match. Because they have more powerful engines, deck boats generally cost more than pontoons. However, there are many options available to get a great deal. 

At Nautical Ventures, we recommend Glastron boats and would love to talk to you more about these gorgeous vessels. Not only are Glastron boats manufactured by skilled technicians, but every detail is taken into consideration. From the initial prototyping to final production, everything is thoroughly researched and tested. This high-standard is what makes the Glastron boat a perfect boat for a summer of adventure.

Learn More About Decks Boats & Pontoons 

Whether you envision lazy Sundays spent fishing on your new pontoon or want to speed your guests through the lake on a deck boat, Nautical Ventures has the knowledge, expertise, and selection to help you find the boat of your dreams. 

For All Your Accessories and/or Vinyl Flooring Visit Pontoon-Depot's Shop Site 

Causes, Prevention and What to do When one Falls Overboard

Causes, Prevention and What to do When one Falls Overboard

By: The Ocean Sailing Guide

Pic By: Manitou

Typically, falling overboard is not an issue when it comes to pontoon boats. Pontoons boats are not made for oceans and large waves, so the chances are that you will not find yourself in a serious situation.

Nevertheless, I think it’s worth discussing what to do in case you encounter an emergency like this while on another type of boat.

Why People Fall Overboard

Here are some of the reasons why people fall overboard:

Excess Alcohol/Drug Consumption and Intoxication

According to, Jim Walker, a maritime attorney general, holds that 40 percent of the overboard fallings are caused by alcohol consumption, while the others could fit into the 60 percent.

In addition to this, the cruise lines claim to carry out precautionary measures to handle the situation of overboard fallings. Structural barriers, uniform minimum railings which are like four feet high, with other measures to prevent a fall. But when the alcohol is brought into contemplation, we know that the impossible becomes possible.


Suicide is another threatening cause for overboard falling. People fall overboard to end their pain and suffering.

According to several witnesses in cases of an overboard falling, it is believed that some deliberately go overboard or, in simpler terms, plunge into the water.

However, in most cases, suicide isn’t conclusive because there are no witnesses.

Reckless Behavior and Accidental Falling

People tend to carry out activities that could put them at risk, sometimes to put up a show, or to feed their social media viewers. I

Most actions that can be termed as reckless are; climbing the railings of a moving ship, exploring one's acting skills in risky places, taking pictures in a precarious position close to the ship’s railing. An involvement in horseplay tends to explain a reckless act on a moving boat directly.

How to Avoid Falling Overboard

Here are the necessary steps to take to avoid falling overboard:

Drink Responsibly and Avoid Drugs

Avoid consuming excess alcohol and, by all means, avoid the intake of any illegal drug. The consumption of these substances will only leave you staggering on the ship, acting recklessly, and finally falling off a boat.

Don’t Walk Around the Ship in Bad Weather

In bad weather, one could be at risk with constant blowing, shaking, falling, and tumbling. Stay safely inside your deck when you start noticing a change in weather.

Wear the Proper Footwear

The ship floors could be slippery sometimes. Ensure that your footwear is adaptable to a dry and wet floor. If you need help picking the right shoes, click here and see our suggestions.

Avoid Horseplay in Risky Area

Playing roughly on the railings, the pier, or other parts of the ship could be dangerous. Ensure that you are cautious and responsible even while trying to have the maximum fun on the ship.

What to Do If a Passenger Falls Overboard

If you see someone falling overboard, you should do the following:

Reduce Speed and use PFD

The most critical part of saving someone from the water is to toss them a life jacket or life ring. Especially if the waves are high.

This is important because it does two things:

  • The victim can rely on life ling rather than their swimming skills
  • Life ring is bright yellow and easy to spot in the water; it helps you to keep the victim in sight.

Turn Around the Boat

The next thing is to turn around and get the victim.

But you have to be careful when doing that because going back too quickly might prevent you from stopping in time and running over that person, creating an even worse situation.

When going back, reduce your speed and pull alongside the victim by approaching from downwind or into the current. Ideally, you want to pick whichever is stronger between those two.

Stop the Engine

Turn your engine off when you are close to the victim. You have to do that for the following reasons:

  • You could overshoot the victim and will have to repeat the same steps all over again.
  • You cut come too close to the victim and cut him/her with the propeller. That would be very, very bad. Avoid at all costs!!

Use Reaching Pole or Assist

It’s best if you could not come to the victim. Instead, come relatively close and use a reaching pole or a rope. Let the victim grab onto in and slowly pull them over to the boat.

Again, you are trying to bring the victim onboard safely without hitting them with your boat.

Pull The on Board

The last step should is to pull the victim out of the water. But that can be tricky, depending on the size of your boat.

If you have a large boat bringing someone on board should not be an issue, lead them to the ladders or pull them over the stern.

If, however, you are in a small boat, like dingy, this can get tricky. You have to keep the balance of the ship to prevent it from flipping over. You should move to the opposite side of the boat and let the victim clime in by itself.

Another option is to have the victim climb in from the stern. This way, you could assist the victim as well; the boat will not flip over this way.


The key to saving someone’s life after they have fallen overboard is to understand the causes, how to avoid it from happening, and what to do if it happens.

Prevention is always the best option, but if you can not avoid it, it’s best to prepare yourself as best as possible.

Know what you need to do. Practice with a friend or family member if you have to. Do everything you can to be 100% confident and ready for the moment when the disaster strikes; it can literally be the difference between life and death.

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Boat Security & Theft Prevention January 2nd, 2020

Boat Security & Theft Prevention January 2nd, 2020

By: Germaine Marine

It doesn’t matter if you’re storing your boat for the winter or only for a few days or weeks— security should be at the forefront of your mind either way! Your boat is a valuable item in your possession, which means that it’s vulnerable to damage caused by weather, pest infestation, and thieves, who are always looking to make a quick buck.

Keeping your boat secure and preventing theft can be a challenge, but we can help you! Germaine Marine, with locations in Utah and Arizona, is proud to be your local boat dealer. Read on to learn the best ways to keep your boat safe and secure this winter and all year round!

Locate Secure Storage

First, you’re going to need to determine where you can store your boat safely. You don’t want to ever leave it out in the open like on a trailer in your driveway! Thieves can easily drive by or walk by and see what you’ve got, then come back at night and tow your boat away. If you can’t store your boat inside a locking garage or shed on your property, then at least pull it behind a tall fence so it’s not within view of the street.

Another good option for those who don’t have the space on their property to store their crafts is marina slip rentals or dry boat storage. You’ll want to do some research on the options available in your area to make sure that they’re secure enough so that your boat is constantly being monitored.

Invest In A Cover

Keeping your boat covered is a good way to prevent theft as well as to reduce the chance of pest infestation or weather damage (if stored outside). Invest in a good-quality, water-resistant cover that is snug-fitting but breathable enough to not cause condensation to form. A cover can even help to prevent theft simply because it’s difficult to remove and it masks the type of boat you have, so thieves are more likely to look for a less secure target instead of going after your craft.

Remove Valuables & Paperwork

Remember how parking garages often have signs warning you to remove valuables from your vehicle? The same principle applies to your boat, especially if you leave it in a public marina. If thieves can peek in and spy valuable items, they may not take your boat, but they might smash a window and take whatever they can carry instead.

Before you store your boat, make sure you remove all valuable items from it, like GPS units and other electronics, binoculars, cameras, fishing gear, tackle boxes, watersports equipment and anything else of value. You should also remove all paperwork for your boat, like logbooks, journals, registration, proof of insurance and licenses. A boat thief could make use of these items to pass off a stolen craft as their own!

Add Security Measures

To further protect your boat, you can also invest in security measures that will drive away thieves. These include alarm systems that are motion-activated, security cameras, GPS trackers, locks and chains. What you get depends on how much you want to or can afford to spend; just make sure that you’re looking at marine-grade items that can withstand wet and humid environments.

We hope our guide to boat security helps you to keep your beloved vessel safe. Visit one of our dealerships to take a look at our full stock of new and used boats for sale. Germaine Marine proudly serves the cities of American Fork, UT, and Mesa, AZ.

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