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5 Ways to Enjoy Your New Pontoon Boat

5 Ways to Enjoy Your New Pontoon Boat

We may still be in the midst of winter, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped thinking about having fun on the water! In just a few months, the boating season will be upon us once again—and we’ll all want new, exciting things to try once we hit the water.

In today’s blog, we are looking at five ways to enjoy your new pontoon boat this coming season.

Pack a picnic

Of the best ways to enjoy an afternoon on the water is with a freshly packed picnic for the family. You can rest easy knowing that your pontoon boat has plenty of space for food storage and, of course, seating and tables to enjoy the picnic itself. The only thing you need to worry about is what food you’ll be bringing!

For picnics on the water, light (but tasty!) meals and snacks are the best way to go. Prepare yummy sandwiches, do-it-yourself trail mix, fruit salads any other treats for yourself and all your passengers. Top it off with a few cool bottles of water and you’re ready to go.

Throw a party

An on board party is a great way to celebrate a family milestone, birthday or simple get together with friends. Throw your own pontoon boat party by preparing music to play, providing fun games or activities for young kids, and gearing yourself up for plenty of fun.

Add a slide

For many pontoon boaters, the flat, stable deck is the perfect backdrop for a fun addition—a water slide! You can purchase a water slide made for attaching to the side of your boat. Watch your family and friends laugh in enjoyment as they slide from the boat into the water below. It’s a great addition that’s bound to provide hours of fun and laughs every time it is used.

Go camping

Few boats are as well equipped for a family camping trip than a pontoon boat. Take your boat somewhere special, whether it’s a favorite lake or coastal marina spot—then set up camp! You can add an enclosure to your boat that serves as a sort of camping tent, giving you a comfortable place to snooze, change clothes or simply enjoy some shade while on your camping trip. In advance of your trip, be sure to pack plenty of snacks and dry clothes for your passengers. It’s a unique experience everyone will enjoy!

Bring some water toys

Finally, for fun on your pontoon boat in 2016, don’t forget the water toys! These can be anything from inner tubes to beach balls to higher-tech toys like wakeboards and water skis. These toys are fun for kids and adults alike, and can provide you, your family and friends with plenty of memories that will last well beyond your return to land.

Which of these ideas are you and your family going to try once the season starts back up? We hope this list helped you find inspiration for fun and adventure on your family pontoon boat.

Staying Safe on Memorial Day Weekend

Staying Safe on Memorial Day Weekend

On Memorial Day Weekend, everyone has the same idea as you — let's head to the lake! That means that for three days, your idyllic hideaway looks like Walmart on Black Friday.

Basically, you can expect big crowds.

The thing with big crowds is that they're full of human beings, and human beings share one universal commonality — they all love pontoon boats. That means you're going to have a whole bunch of new best friends and everyone in the crowd is going to want to come aboard.

You, being the awesome human being that you are, are going to want to accommodate them all. The problem is, your boat's maximum capacity doesn't increase just because it's a holiday.

In short, Memorial Day Weekend gives you lots of opportunities to overload your boat. Resist the urge to say "one more couldn't hurt."

Next, watch your speed. Excessive speed causes more accidents than anything else on the water, even when crowds aren't at their peak. On Memorial Day Weekend, there are more boats. More boats equals more things to crash into.

Finally, we come to booze. Don't drink and boat. It’s illegal. It's dangerous. Its stupid. It's irresponsible. What else is there to say?

Please keep in mind that just because you're doing the right thing, you can't assume that all the other captains on the sea are following your example. Assume that other boats zigging and zagging past, pontoon or otherwise, are piloted by folks who think the rules don’t apply to them. Be on guard!

So that's it. Be safe on Memorial Day Weekend. Use common sense and exercise good judgment. These are pretty good rules of thumb to follow on a boat no matter the day, but on holidays, surviving the three-day weekend with your body, boat and family intact is a special kind of mission.

You know what is more fun than a Pontoon Boat?

You know what is more fun than a Pontoon Boat?

The stuff it floats on!

You know the great thing about boats? They ride on the water. You know the great thing about water? You can swim in it.

Traditional boats are great, but when it comes to stopping your boat to descend into the cool, refreshing water for some fun in the lake, there is nothing in this world that can compare to a pontoon boat.

Want to turn your pontoon into a swimming platform? Then you're going to need a swim ladder. The good news is, you can score the best one money can buy for not that much money at all. Our swim ladders are perfect to use either at the transom or side gate.

They easily attach to the deck with Shur-loc catches, which are included at no extra cost. They're coated in vinyl, so both your feet and your pontoon are protected every time you take a dip. You know how ladder hooks are impossible to store? Not these babies — they fold flat.

There are few things better in this world than staring up from the water and seeing your pride and joy bathed in light. Today's LEDs don't get hot and they only gobble up around 10 percent of the energy of a traditional light. So soak your pontoon in the soft glow of amber, red, blue, white or green light to serve as a beacon while you swim and splash.

Finally, there's flooring. When all those little feet ascend back up your new ladder to the deck of your pontoon, they're going to trample your tired old marine carpeting into a matted, dirty mess. If you have high-end vinyl MariDeck, on the other hand, you'll be safe from slips and falls. Even better, you're just a few sprays with a hose away from looking like new — literally. MariDeck flooring makes your deck, and you whole boat, look brand new for years after installation.

You think it's fun on the lake? Wait til you get in the lake.

Boating Season is Safety Season | Pontoon-Depot

Boating Season is Safety Season | Pontoon-Depot

Winter is over, spring is in full effect and summer is almost here.

You know what that means? That means it's boating season.

Unfortunately for far too many people, it also means it's the season of boating accidents, injuries and even deaths.

But it doesn't have to be. Let's make this the safest year yet by following a few basic rules of the road. 

The first one sounds so common-sense obvious that we feel like we shouldn't have to even mention it. But, we do have to mention it. Keep life jackets and floatation devices on board. Four out of five people who die on boats are drowning victims.

Next, if you wouldn't do it in a car, you probably shouldn't do it on a boat. That means don't drink and drive. Drinking and boating is illegal — and for good reason. Alcohol is one of the top causes of accidents, especially fatal accidents, on the water.

Another major hazard is speed. While not as deadly as alcohol, excessive speed causes more accidents than booze.

Keep this safety precaution in mind - education. Its up to you to know and obey all navigation rules. Ignorance is not a defense if you cause an accident.

Finally, use common sense. Watch or listen to weather reports before you head out. Heed weather-related warnings and if clouds start to look ominous, listen to Mother Nature — and your own better judgement. Make sure your passengers are seated and ready before you take off. Know — and never exceed — your boat's capacity, and use an anchor if you want your boat to stay put.

Did we forget something? The best thing about your boating safety knowledge is that as long as you don't keep it to yourself, other people can learn from it. Join us on Facebook and share your best boating safety tips on our page. You might just save a life!